Web Abstract Presentation of</br>Anna Smozhnaya

Web Abstract Presentation of
Anna Smozhnaya

Features of the Organization of Work with Gifted Schoolchildren during the Pandemic in the Nizhny Novgorod Region in 2020-2021

Anna Smozhnaya

Lyceum-boarding School, Center for Gifted Children, State Budgetary Educational Institution

[email protected]


Lyceum is an educational institution with unique opportunities for obtaining high-quality secondary general education. It is the place where advanced level programs and additional education programs for schoolchildren of the Nizhny Novgorod region are implemented. In the context of the pandemic, due to the ban on holding mass events and the forced transition to distance learning, the interaction of teachers and children in the virtual space has become relevant. For the interaction of teachers with talented students, a distance learning system has been installed in the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Lyceum-boarding School, Center for Gifted Children" Nizhny Novgorod. Since 2019, the Lyceum has been included in the distributed model of the Regional Center for Identifying, Supporting and Developing Abilities and Talents among Children and Youth "Vega". The pandemic has adjusted the organization of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren, the conduct of educational shifts in the direction of "Science" and the organization of classes in preparation for Olympiads and competitions. In order to support talented youth in the Nizhny Novgorod region, personal scholarships for schoolchildren have been established, as well as financial support for teachers is provided within the framework of All-Russian and regional competitions of pedagogical skills and awarding honorary diplomas and certificates to winners and prize-winners of competitions and Olympiads.

Keywords: E-teaching, working with gifted students, COVID-19, Olympiads

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