Abstract of Yulia Gusak

Abstract of Yulia Gusak

Restructuring of the School: Current Challenges

Yulia Gusak

Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work, Stavropol School No. 45

[email protected]


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on all spheres of human life in the Russian Federation. It is also unavoidable regarding the effect on school education. With the outbreak of the pandemic and the introduction of lockdown, schools had to quickly respond to changes and organize distance learning, and then new forms of organizing full-time education. Distance learning methods help to provide an excellent level of secondary and higher education, but they have a number of difficulties in organizing the training of younger students. It is almost impossible to translate school education into an online format during the pandemic. Young students are not yet able to independently study the materials, concentrate on and sit in one place for a long time. The impact of the pandemic on the education system is great not only because the epidemic forced us to look for new approaches to learning. It also showed the importance of the role of teachers in the learning process and the importance of their technical training. Unfortunately, many teachers were not ready to switch to alternative teaching formats. They lacked the knowledge to successfully use the training platforms and organize lessons in a new mode for themselves. All this led to the need for additional training of the teaching staff and the organization of assistance to experienced teachers so that they could quickly acquire the necessary skills to work with technical means. Among the main problems of education in the conditions of the pandemic are: the inability to organize full-fledged distance learning; insufficient technical readiness of the teaching staff; difficulties with the technical support of students; difficulties in organizing primary education. In general, quality of education during the pandemic in Russia, as well as throughout the world, experienced a significant decline. The situation can be corrected by the following measures: to introduce alternative teaching methods in all educational institutions; to find non-standard solutions that can increase the share of practical classes; to do everything possible not to resort to lockdown and continue training in the usual offline format.

Keywords: school education, impact of the pandemic, distance learning

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